Monday, January 24, 2011

POW#2 ~ Hard Lesson Learned

      Snap. Head up. Snap. Turn. Snap. The officer then told me I could sit. I walked to my chair with my head down in shame. I knew that this picture would be in my records forever and I could never take it back. It was the end and it was a begining.
     All pictures are of a memory of some kind. They are taken to capture a happy memory in a snap shot. However, the moment that is captured, which is described in the above paragraph, is not of a happy one. It is one of shame, grief, and disappointment. The picture that I am describing is of a picture that was taken at JDC. I was ordered to go there after charges were pressed against me for phone harassment. I knew right before that picture was taken that I would always hate that picture and I came to regret my actions.
     This picture was the end of my old life. The life of foolishness and carelessness and being impulsive. My new life was starting. A life of responsibility, thinking and hard work. I had a decision to make. I could either let this picture destroy my life or I could let it build my life anew. So, from that moment on I decided that that moment would not be my down fall but it would be my rise to responsibility and success. Now in my life I have great friends and family that support me. My grades in school are fabulous and my life is great. I have decided that from now on all the snap shots in my life will be of success and happiness, and that is how my life will go.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

POW #1 ~ Pinneaple Pizza

Hello my  name is....

Learsy Andrea Ospina Roman

When I was seven and a half I was adopted. The first time I met my adopted parents was on January 28, 2002. At that time I was going by Learsy. I remember that everybody used to mispronounce it and they still do to this day. A few days after I met my new parents I made an important decision and I did it on the spur of the moment. We were staying in a very fancy hotel. We decided to eat at the hotel restuarant outside and we knew that we wanted Pinneaple Pizza. We were seated and our waiter came to get our order and my parents were about to introduce me when I stood up and said, "Hola, me llamo Andrea" (Hi, I'm Andrea). From then on people have called me Andrea. Another special thing about is that my name is different. Since I'm adopted my last name has changed to. However I cannot say it on this website for safety reasons. 
My name is very special to me. It is the only thing I have from my birth parents that they gave me. Most people dont think I like my first name Learsy because I dont go by it but honestly I love it. It is very unique and I searched on the internet for and only two other people show up. It is very unique and special to me. I love my name.