Sunday, May 22, 2011

Final Persuasive Letter

Andrea Hunt                          

21480 W. 123rd Terrace

Olathe, KS 66061

May 22, 2011

Mr. Court Allam

21300 College Blvd.

Olathe, KS 66061

Dear Mr. Allam:

            Do you see that girl in the front constantly raising her hand to answer questions, ready to engage in all the activities? Well, that girl is me, Andrea. We are approaching the end of the year and grades must be given. I personally believe that I deserve an A. I should get an A because I am very engaged in the class and I have improved this year especially in my writing.

            Some teachers would believe that I don’t deserve an A. They might say that she has been absent a lot an does not have a couple of her blogs turned in. This might be true, however, I have always came in to see what I’ve missed and have caught up. Also, I do not believe that just a couple of things missing should bring down one’s grade by a whole letter. That is one of the reasons we created the 3P grading system. Furthermore, my participation and improvement in the class completely trumps both of these problems.

            Most of this year I have been very engaged in class, especially during second semester. Mr. Allam says, “She is very engaged.” This shows that even you have noticed my participation. There are many ways I have participated and engaged myself in the class. First, during journals I participate by sharing my journal. During gallery walks I give my opinion on the painting and what I believe it is. I have also gone above and beyond by commenting on people’s blog posts and giving my opinion and feedback on their writing. In all this ways and more, I have engaged myself in the class.

            Another reason I deserve an A is because I have improved tremendously in my writing. Mr. Allam says, “[Andrea has] improved her persuasive writing using different techniques, and her organization in her writing has improved.” This statement is proven just by the way I have written this letter. You can see the different techniques by my use of ethos in this paragraph and the one before it. Also you can distinguish my thesis statement and my refutation very well. All of this shows how much I have improved in my writing.

            In all, I deserve an A for my grade. I have been engaged in class. Second, I have improved my writing skills. This letter shows you all of these things. Therefore I deserve an A because of my participation in class and my improved writing skills.

L. Andrea Hunt

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